ChordAid for Mac Overview
ChordAid is a chord dictionary and chord reference application. It supports various stringed instruments like guitar, ukulele, mandolin or bouzouki.
ChordAid supports more than forty-five chord types. Among them are both simple chords and complicated ones used in jazz music, including slash chords (Cm/G).
ChordAid uses sophisticated algorithms to produce the chord charts, which allows it to work well with instruments in standard or custom tuning.
In addition to the usual chord shapes, ChordAid lets you choose among more difficult ones having two barres and big stretching between the fingers.
You can display, compare and practice several different chords at once. They may be the chords of a song or different variations of the same chord.
You can mark individual chord shapes as favorites. Then you can switch to a display mode that shows you favorite shapes only. In this way you can build a chord library of your own.
You can drag and drop chord shapes to other applications. The shapes can be transferred as a resolution independent PDF or as a bitmap.
Using ChordAid you can also find the possible names of a chord by selecting the frets you have played on a virtual fretboard.
Adjust the complexity of the chord shapes shown
You can tailor the complexity of the chord shapes shown according to your wish.
In addition to the usual chord shapes, ChordAid lets you choose among more difficult ones having two barres and big stretching between the fingers.
Practice different chords at once
ChordAid features an auto-complete chords entry field that lets you quickly enter chord symbols.
The chord charts will appear as you type and you can easily reorder them using drag and drop over the tokens.
Choose your instrument and tuning
You can choose among several instruments and tunings like guitar, bass guitar, ukulele, mandolin or bouzouki.You can create and experiment with alternate tunings for instruments up to six strings in case you do not find your favorite instrument or tuning in the list.